The Sazerac Company Launches Agave Website

The Sazerac Company has launched an educational website about all things agave.

This new website,, includes information about the history of agave spirits, the plant itself, where it’s grown and the many processes and people that have made spirits like tequila and mezcal the fastest growing categories in the industry. Grown in several regions around the globe, agave over 200 documented varietals and is used to create several different distilled spirits.

By selecting “The Story” tab in the Great Agave website’s menu, users will find a brief history of agave spirits as well as a timeline that chronicles notable events dating back to 1000 B.C.

“The Plant” tab in the menu leads to more information about the anatomy of the agave plant, as well as its varietals. In the section about anatomy is a diagram of an agave with descriptions of the different parts of this perennial plant. “The Varietals” section pictures several of the most notable agave types side-by-side.

Under “The Producers” tab in the menu is information about the agave spirit production process and the regions where certain types are made. “The Process” section explains how the agave is cooked, crushed, fermented and distilled and features photos of each step of the process. “The Geography” features a map of the different areas around the world where the agave plant is grown. An interactive map of Mexico goes into more detail, and breaks down the specific states where different spirits are made.

Users can click “The Spirits” tab in the menu to find information about five different types of spirits in the agave category, or click “The Experience” tab in the menu to find a brief glossary of key terms.

“We are incredibly excited to launch and feel it’s a solid starting point to build stronger resources for those looking to dive in and learn more about these spectacular spirits,” says Megan Hurtuk, marketing manager for tequila, craft and specialty brands. “We’ve only just begun and look forward to engaging additional industry experts and the overall bar community to further share our love for agave and support the category as a whole.”

The post The Sazerac Company Launches Agave Website first appeared on Beverage Dynamics.
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