Pendleton Celebrates One Million Cases Sold

The popular Canadian Whisky hit the one million mark Monday, a year after celebrating its 10th anniversary. From the press release:


Hood River, Ore. — Pendleton Whisky, a top 10 premium Canadian Whisky and the largest privately owned premium Canadian whisky brand, announced the sale of its 1,000,000th case of whisky today.  

The brand, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2013, was born of the rich tradition of the Pendleton Round-Up – one of the oldest and most prestigious rodeos in the world that takes place annually in Pendleton, Ore. Pendleton Whisky has quickly grown to be one of the top selling spirits in the Pacific Northwest and has experienced consecutive years of growth in sales and distribution since its inception. Today, Pendleton Whisky ranks in the Top 10 of US bottled premium Canadian Whiskies and is distributed in all 50 states and throughout Canada.

“It is with great pleasure that we announce the sale of our 1,000,000th case of Pendleton Whisky,” said RR Dodge, president and CEO of Hood River Distillers. “As one of the fastest growing Canadian whiskies, we’re thrilled to achieve this industry milestone and look forward to expanding our presence across the United States and beyond in the years to come.”

Pendleton Whiskey is a three-time Fast Track Growth Brand winner (2011, ’12, ’13), awarded by the Beverage Information Group. For more information about BIG’s data collection and handbook sales, visit

The post Pendleton Celebrates One Million Cases Sold first appeared on Beverage Dynamics.
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