DISCUS Offers Free ‘Alcohol and Moderation’ Brochure for Alcohol Awareness Month

The Distilled Spirits Council (DISCUS) is marking Alcohol Awareness Month by offering adult consumers a free brochure with information about alcohol consumption and the adult diet.

“Alcohol Awareness Month is a good time for adults to reflect on their alcohol consumption,” explains Dr. Sam Zakhari, Distilled Spirits Council Senior Vice President of Science and former Division Director at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Beverage alcohol consumption by adults can be an enjoyable lifestyle and diet choice; however, as with all things, moderation is the key.”

The tri-fold brochure provides info on alcohol consumption from the federal government’s newest edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (which serves as the basis for federal nutrition policy in the United States). According to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, “moderate alcohol intake can be a component of a healthy dietary pattern, and that if alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation and only by adults.”

The Alcohol and Moderation brochure answers many frequently asked questions about alcohol consumption, including:

  • What is moderate drinking?
  • What counts as a drink?
  • Which form of alcohol contains more alcohol per serving?
  • Are the potential risks and benefits the same for beer, wine and spirits?
  • How many calories are in beer, wine and spirits?
  • Who should not drink?

The Alcohol and Moderation brochure can be viewed or ordered on the Distilled Spirits Council’s DrinkinModeration.org website.

DISCUS is the national trade association representing producers and marketers of distilled spirits sold in the United States.

The post DISCUS Offers Free ‘Alcohol and Moderation’ Brochure for Alcohol Awareness Month first appeared on Beverage Dynamics.
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